For example, a vegetable market next to the house mainly sells fresh category email list fruits and vegetables. After the vegetable market is built, it needs to attract both vegetable sellers and buyers to the vegetable market at the same time; let buyers and sellers directly connect to establish transaction relationships; The realization of the transaction value category email list of the market is the rent and management fee for the vegetable market. This is the platform.
The platform has always been doing one thing, which is to category email list carry out bilateral or multilateral transactions, and to promote bilateral or multilateral prosperity is the source of its value. So why are so many companies transitioning from the pipeline model to the platform model, and what are the advantages of the platform model over the pipeline model? Superior category email list marginal economic benefits, for example: investment will decrease as the scale expands.
With the expansion of WeChat trumpet fans, there is no need category email list to repeat the investment cost, but the scale of reach is getting bigger and bigger. Positive network effects, such as the network effects brought about by the fission of WeChat trumpet partners. Provides value creation, provides markets, provides tools, and content management. 3. What pipeline + or platform category email list strategies will WeChat Private Domain 2.0 have next? (Some of the following strategies.