One of the quality signals is the C Level Contact List presence of images in the article - images make the content more enjoyable and Google knows that people like not just "sheets" of text, but also illustrations, videos, pictures, etc. Therefore, when publishing images on the website, you should include keywords in the names of the C Level Contact List image files, based on which the opening is optimized. This is another error that is very common - images are published directly from the camera with their default names IMG_3453, which in no way describe C Level Contact List what is shown in the image. The Google search engine has no clues to interpret what is in the image. Although Google currently has various technologies that Google can use to determine what is in an image, from an SEO perspective, the file name is one of the parameters that Google can use to guess what is depicted.
Therefore, when creating a C Level Contact List home page, online store or any other e-commerce platform that will be indexed in the Google search engine, all images need to use keywords appropriate for the page or a specific opening. Here is an article in which I have described in more detail how to prepare SEO-friendly C Level Contact List images for your home page In alternative image texts (ALT texts ) keywords should be used Alternative text texts (ALT texts) should be used keywords Another important HTML attribute that helps the Google search C Level Contact List engine to understand what is shown in the image is the alternative texts. These are HTML attributes that are added to images (image tag) in the HTML code. People who are visually impaired or blind use tools that read to them what content is on the screen.
In order for the readers of the C Level Contact List browser content to be able to read the information provided by the image as well, they read or play the alternative text. Google, on the other hand, uses this text to understand what information is displayed in the image. By combining the file name and the alternative , the Google search engine gets a much better idea of what kind of information is in the images. When optimizing your C Level Contact List opening and publishing content, make sure to include alt texts that typically describe what's in the image and use optimization-based keywords. I have also described this a little more here The number of words in the C Level Contact List opening should be at least from 300 to 500 The number of words in the opening should be at least from 300 to 500 Although this factor cannot be directly influenced by the developer, as it depends more on either the client, how much content he will give to the programmer, or on the content developer who will write the text for the website, it is still very important and worth mentioning factor as it directly affects.